Most dating sites do little to keep scammers out, whether they charge fees, or not.
A majority of internet romance scammers are easy to detect, and keep off of dating sites. is a small, free site that is operated by people experienced in detecting scammers. We keep most scammers out.
Each new profile and picture are checked manually by staff. It's not likely you'll run into a scammer using a picture of a Celebrity at!
Why waste your time on fakes, or scammers?
Are you really serious about finding somebody? Over the years I've come to realize many people are not. They are happier having fantasy relationships with fake people, than possibly meeting somebody real.
If you like dating sites full of stolen pictures, with a lot of breasts hanging out in the profiles, we're not for you. There are other sites that have plenty of 'that'.
We do not cater to 'sex tourists'.
We run our site with the hope of providing a safe place for real people to meet. If you are interested, check out
Look around, sign up. All profles are checked manually beforee your membership is active. It may take up to 24 hours.
Please upload a picture for best results! We are much slower than most dating sites, since we keep most fakes and scammers out.
This is a another 'fake' Filipina, being used in 'Visa and Travel' scams from the Guangdong province of China. Yes, many Filipinas do work in this province, but West African scammers who are living in this province, are pulling this scam.
They have many profiles set up for young Asian ladies on many dating sites. The fake lady will contact a man, profess love very quickly, then want to meet him, in his country. Of course, she will not have the money for the 'visa and travel'. The man will be directed to a fake Travel agency site, to pay the fees. The lady never arrives. She is fake. The pictures are stolen. The Asian lady you may have talked to on the phone is a lady working for the scammers, and not the lady in the pictures. You've been scammed.
You may be sent a picture, like the one on the left, to prove you are in contact with the girl in the picture.
(You're not!)
Guys, this isn't like ordering something online.
You can send money, and have it, or 'her', show up on your doorstep. 'Visa and travel' scams are one of the more common internet romance scams.
Always expect to see a face on cam.
Never send money, for any reason. NEVER.
Nobody you meet on the internet is going to starve if you don't send money, they won't get evicted or arrested if you don't send money, or will they get on a plane to come meet you IF you send money. These are scams.
More information on 'Visa and travel' scams from China at